Parental protection

Constant commitment to safeguarding the continuity of employees’ work

In the Italian job market, where returning from maternity leave is a crucial moment for women’s careers, Gpi achieved an important milestone in 2023: the return rate after mandatory parental leave stands at 100%, while the retention rate 12 months after the end of mandatory parental leave is 94%.

This is a significant achievement for Gpi, as it means safeguarding the job continuity of almost all its female employees. This result contrasts with the broader Italian context, where 1 in 5 women leave their jobs after maternity, and 72.8% of confirmed resignations of new parents involve women, as highlighted in Save The Children’s report “Le equilibriste. La maternità in Italia 2024”.

Among the main actions undertaken by Gpi to support the return from maternity leave are:

  • Family Audit Certification: A national standard that promotes innovative work-life balance initiatives.
  • Mommy & Daddy Kit: A vademecum dedicated to new parents that outlines the opportunities provided by the State and those offered by the company to support childbirth.
  • LIFEED, Parents and New Parents Pathway: A digital program that transforms the experience of parenthood into an opportunity to develop skills useful both at home and at work. It includes readings, videos, testimonials, reflections, practical exercises, and missions to complete in everyday life.

Our work does not stop here. Gpi intends to establish an independent observatory to strengthen the monitoring of retention related to voluntary resignations after parental leave. The goal is to understand the reasons behind voluntary resignations and, consequently, to enhance the support for parents working within the company.

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