Full Year 2024: Double-Digit Growth

Investor, News

Revenue € 510 M, EBITDA € 105 M

CdA approva il Progetto di Bilancio

The Board of Directors approves the draft Separate Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements as of 31 December 2024:

  • Revenue: € 510 M (FY23: € 433 M, +17.7%)
  • EBITDA: € 105 M (FY23: € 80 M, +31.3%)
  • EBITDA margin: 20.6% (FY23: 18.4%)
  • Net profit: € 103 M. Net profit from continuing operations € 15 M (FY23 revised : € 1 M)
  • Net financial debt: € 333 M (FY23: € 365 M), of which net debt to financial institutions amounting to € 227 M (FY23: € 274 M); in compliance with financial covenants
  • Proposed gross ordinary dividend of 0.50 euros per share (FY23: € 0.50 per share)
  • Issue of two non convertible 6-year bonds to support investment and innovation approved

Fausto Manzana, CEO of the Gpi Group, remarked:

“We close 2024 exceeding our most ambitious expectations. The figures speak for themselves: revenues, up 18%, reached € 510 million. EBITDA also grew by more than 31% to € 105 million, EBITDA margin exceeded 20% with an increase of 220 bps compared to 2023. These results, driven by the excellent performance of Software, confirm the solidity of our proposition and operating model, which are evolving thanks to the Group’s ability to interpret the continuous transformations of the digital health market.

The new Industrial Plan, presented last January, outlines the strategic directions of Gpi’s development for the next five years with the goal of achieving in 2029, through organic growth, at least total revenues > € 700 million and an EBITDA margin >25%. It is an exciting horizon that sees us becoming a strategic partner in the digital transformation of healthcare both in Italy and abroad. Day after day, we have created the conditions to become one, also expanding and qualifying our offer of state-of-the-art software solutions with the aim of improving the quality of care and generating value for all stakeholders.

We remain committed to investing in innovative technologies – such as artificial intelligence and virtual care solutions – to optimise clinical and management processes, expand access to care and promote increasingly personalised and predictive care models. We are where we wanted to be, at the right time. We are starting from a solid foundation, which will allow us to address future challenges”.

Read the Press Release

* The consolidated financial statements for FY 2023 have been revised in light of the implementation of the Purchase Price Allocation (PPA) of the Evolucare Group.