From September 19 to 22, the Gpi Group is taking part in the 10th Afsbt congress, African society for Blood Transfusion, in Dakar. This is a valuable opportunity to study Gpi’s market expansion in the Blood Management System sector. At the moment the Group’s solutions are already present in North, sub-Saharan and western Africa, it is about broadening the horizons to the entire continent. Afsbt’s President Dora Mbanya emphasises the importance of the Blood Management System for Africa: “Blood safety challenges are predominant on the African continent, and this is more so in sub-Saharan Africa where political commitment is yet limited, there is high prevalence of transfusion transmissible infections, a shortage of trained personnel in transfusion medicine and infrastructural and other resources, contribute significantly to hamper safety. Furthermore, altruistic blood donation is not common, especially as taboos and other cultural beliefs are still associated with blood in some African cultures”.
The theme of this congress is “Blood Transfusion and Health Priorities in Africa”, scientific presentations, debates, discussions, workshops and exhibitions, will be conducted linked to this theme to cover the health agenda and challenges in Africa, and position blood transfusion appropriately.