The busy Spring of meetings promoted by Gpi’s Academy division began on 30 March to get in touch with university students and recent graduates interested in learning more about the ICT sector applied to Health Systems and Public Administration, with the possibility of embarking on a career path within the Group.
- On 30 March, Gpi participated in the “Borsa del Placement” (Placement Exchange), a project promoted by the Emblema Foundation to enhance direct relations with Italian universities. After the virtual event at the end of March, an in-person forum is scheduled for 9 and 10 May in Verona, at the Palazzo della Gran Guardia.
- On 5 April, at the Federico II University in Naples, Gpi will meet the “Scuola Politecnica e delle scienze di base” (Polytechnic and Basic Sciences School)
- On 18 April, ICT Days at the University of Trento.
- On 19 April the Career Day at the University of Bologna.
- On 20 April the meeting with students at the “Policlinico Universitario Campus Biomedico” (University Polyclinic Biomedical Campus) in Rome.
- On 26 April the meeting with Clinical Engineering students in Trieste.
- On 11 May, the Career Day at the Milan Polytechnic is scheduled.
- On 17 May the Job Fair in Trento and the Recruiting Day at the Parthenope University in Naples.
- On 24 May the Digital Innovation Career Week of the Milan Polytechnic.
The meetings have been specifically chosen to come into contact with the most important universities at national level and are evidence of the Gpi Group’s desire to establish an increasingly effective dialogue with the young talents growing up in Italian universities and seeking fertile ground in which to express their potential.