
GPI for investors

Our solutions improve the health and well-being of millions of people around the world. Discover the benefits of investing in a fast growing company and contribute to the development of sustainable healthcare.

433mln euros revenue 2023
7mln euros profit in 2023
Total revenue
+ 16,4 % CAGR

GPI on the Stock Exchange

Banca Akros S.p.A.
Viale Eginardo, 29 – 20149

Dissemination of regulated information 

For the dissemination of Regulated Information GPI uses the 1INFO-SDIR circuit managed by Computershare, with registered office in via Mascheroni, 19 – 20145 Milan.

Identification codes

  • ISIN ordinary shares: IT0005221517
  • Bloomberg: GPI:IM
  • Reuters: GPI.MI

Share capital and shareholders

Shareholding as of June 30, 2024

The share capital of Gpi subscribed and paid up is € 13,890,324.40 and is divided into 28,906,881 shares without nominal value, of which 10,464,193 with increased voting rights.
The Ordinary Shares of GPI S.p.A. are admitted for trading on the market Euronext Milan (EXM) of the Borsa Italiana.

The shareholders holding shares greater than 5% of the voting rights of GPI S.p.A. are listed here:

FM S.p.A.

  • Number of shares held: n. 13,746,090
  • % of Share Capital: 47.55%
  • % of Voting right: 61.50%

CDP Equity S.p.A

  • Number of shares held: n. 5,323,193
  • % of Share Capital: 18.42%
  • % of Voting right: 13.52%

According to the information available to GPI S.p.A., there are no other shareholders, with the exception of those mentioned above, that hold shares greater than 5% of the share capital with voting rights.


IR Team Contact Information


Fabrizio Redavid – fabrizio.redavid@gpi.it

Lorenzo Giollo – lorenzo.giollo@gpi.it

T: +39 0461 381515

Via Ragazzi del ’99, 13 – 38123 Trento


GPI Governance and key managers