GPI Software

Social Care

GPI Software

The innovative suite of software solutions to distribute the social and healthcare range throughout the region using an integrated network.

“Create an integrated network of social and healthcare services for assisting the chronically ill, elderly and disabled” is the objective of Italy’s Healthcare System. With this intention, Health Social Care was created, a suite based on an innovative technological platform that integrates all applications and databases from the social and healthcare activities carried out in the region.
Health Social Care makes it possible to manage all social and healthcare activities provided in hospitals, in regional healthcare structures and at the patient’s home. Thanks to our solution, it is possible to plan, digitise and refine social and healthcare activities with the result of optimising human resources and redeveloping spending.

Health Social Care includes:

  • Regional Services, which makes it possible to manage all the activities carried out by the social and healthcare service in the region: social and healthcare dossier, integrated home care, regional operating centre, residences, day centres, clinics, economic benefits, multi-dimensional assessment units, complex discharge management and hospital-region integration
  • Legal Medicine, which makes it possible to manage all practices relating to the Legal Medicine Department
  • Mental Health, which makes it possible to manage all the activities carried out by professionals in the Mental Health Department. The system is designed to manage both child and adult psychiatry

Why choose our Health Social Care solution:

  • It is accessible, simple and easy-to-use: when creating the software, particular attention to paid to guaranteeing consistency and the ability to limit errors, to ease of learning, access to functions and storage
  • It is flexible, scalable and easy to maintain: the suite is structured as a group of software components organised in application layers that are easy to resize as the data to be managed, or the number of users, grow over time. The solution is designed so that new applications and technologies can be added without having to redesign the system
  • It guarantees traceability and security criteria: it meets DigitPA directives and personal data protection requirements.

Perché scegliere la nostra soluzione Health Social Care:

È accessibile, semplice e usabile

Nella realizzazione del software si pone particolare attenzione a garantire coerenza e capacità di limitare gli errori, facilità di apprendimento, di accesso alle funzionalità, di memorizzazione

È flessibile, scalabile e facilmente mantenibile

La suite è articolata in un insieme di componenti software organizzati in strati applicativi agevolmente ridimensionabili a fronte della crescita nel tempo dei volumi di dati da gestire, o del numero degli utenti. La soluzione è progettata per poter accogliere nuove applicazioni e tecnologie senza dover riprogettare il sistema

Garantisce i criteri di tracciabilità e sicurezza

Soddisfa sia le direttive DigitPA sia i requisiti sul trattamento dei dati personali.

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